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Physical therapist Cover Letter Example

Craft the perfect cover letter in minutes with our Physical therapist cover letter example. Forget the frustration — this sample will get you hired fast in 2025. Just adjust the details, download, and you're ready to submit your application! Take advantage of our expert tips and sample sentences for an easier job search.
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Physical therapist cover letter guide

Two hopeful candidates come across the same job opportunity: one is successful, the other is not. So, what’s the difference between the two? Oftentimes, the successful candidate has a CV and cover letter that has been perfectly optimised and tailored to what potential employers were looking for. Are you a physical therapist looking to design a successful, job-winning cover letter? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In our cover letter guide, we’ll go over each essential section of a cover letter, and what each section does. We’ll help you tailor and optimise your cover letter so that you can be a successful candidate, the victor among a vast sea of competitive applicants. 

Before we get started, it’s important to know that every cover letter should contain the following elements: 

  • A great cover letter header
  • An engaging greeting
  • A compelling introduction
  • Interesting, comprehensive body paragraphs
  • A convincing conclusion!

Without further ado, let’s get started with the first essential section: the cover letter header! 

Cover Letter Header

Cover letter headers contain important contact information to help employers get in touch with you. It’s important that your header is neatly formatted and that all the information included in your header is up-to-date and accurate. Be sure to double check! In our CVapp.ie Cover Letter Builder, we have a range of designs to help you convey your professional personality to the world. Once you've selected your design template in our builder, you can enter your contact information into the header, including your full name, email address, phone number and any links to professional websites or social media, and you’re ready for the next section of your cover letter! Woo hoo! 

Cover Letter Greeting

While cover letter greetings may seem unimportant, greetings have the power to improve or reduce your chances of getting that much anticipated call-back from employers. We recommend using the name of the employer if it’s known to add a personalised, professional touch. For example: “Dear Mr. Williams,” is much better than “to whom it may concern.” Greetings should be kept professional, personable and polite. If you don’t know the name of your employer, it’s perfectly fine to address employers with “Dear Company X,” just be sure there’s no spelling errors or typos! 

Adaptable cover letter greeting

Dear Mr. McDermott, 


Cover Letter Introduction

The introduction of your cover letter should engage readers and encourage them to learn more about you. As a physical therapist, what’s your point of difference? Do you have any specialisations? How long have you been a physical therapist for? The introduction sets the stage for the rest of your cover letter, so it’s important that you present yourself as an ideal candidate for the role. Before you begin, we recommend reading the job description over several times to ensure you have a great understanding of what employers are looking for. This will also allow you to tailor your introduction to the specific requirements and skills employers have outlined in the job description. Remember: the introduction should be a summary, not a thesis! You’ll have room to expand and elaborate upon your professional background in the next upcoming section: the body paragraphs. 

Adaptable cover letter introduction

After a freak car accident in 2001, I was left with chronic fatigue, aches and pains that never went away, poor mental health and severe, longstanding injuries. Although I was grateful to have survived, I'll never forget the emotions I endured both during the accident and in my recovery. I thought I would always feel a sense of never-ending dread and helplessness; that is, until I met my former physical therapist and good friend, Alistair Ward. After being both deeply inspired and impressed by the ways in which Alistair helped me manage my injuries and alleviate my chronic pain, I began my own personal journey to becoming a physical therapist. 


Cover Letter Body Paragraphs

“I love reading boring, vague or irrelevant content!” said no one, ever. Employers are looking for a cover letter that accurately and comprehensively conveys the professional value candidates have to offer. In this section, you’ll want to provide detailed information about your physical therapy qualifications, accomplishments, and experiences and explain how these can help you add value to the role you’re applying for. Use these paragraphs to highlight different aspects that make you a qualified physical therapist. For example, you could discuss your education or previous professional experiences and how these helped shape you into the physical therapist you are today, or provide specific examples of how you effectively assessed patient needs, developed successful treatment plans, or improved customer satisfaction rates at your previous workplace. Don’t forget to continuously flick back to the job description to ensure your work is tailored to what employers are looking for! 

Adaptable cover letter body paragraphs

In 2006, five years after my accident, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Sports & Exercise Medicine from Trinity College Dublin. With the support of Alistair, staff at the College, my friends and family, I have now been practicing physical therapy for over ten years. With each of my clients, I like to remind them the importance of incorporating hope into our everyday lives. Being able to help people manage chronic conditions, tackle inflammation and enable them to improve their bodily capacity are privileges that any good physical therapist knows well. 

Throughout the span of my career, I am proud to have assisted more than 2,000 locals in alleviating their injuries and chronic health issues. With open communication, empathy and sensitivity, I create tailored recovery plans that empower patients and put power back into their hands. Improving physical fitness and dexterity and alleviating pain is important to me, but ensuring each patient feels supported and understood is just as essential. 


Cover Letter Conclusion

You’re nearly finished your cover letter. Well done! Before we start opening more tabs for online jobs, however, we’ll need to finish off strong with a compelling conclusion. In the final section of the cover letter, briefly summarise your key physical therapist qualities, qualifications and strengths, reiterating how these aspects align with the requirements of the job description. Let employers know how excited you are to connect with them and thank them for their time and consideration, and choose a professional sign-off, such as “warm wishes” or “kind regards,” followed by your name. Congratulations – you’ve just completed your first CVapp.ie cover letter! 

Adaptable cover letter conclusion

I am applying for a physical therapist role at McDermott & Moore because I truly believe I have what it takes to support patients and make an impact in their lives. I would love the opportunity to discuss my CV, career experiences, qualifications and skills with you, as well as any other questions you may have for me. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me using the contact details provided. I hope to hear from you soon. 

Warm wishes, 

Tiernan Molony


CVapp.ie is here to support your professional growth throughout all stages of your career. Be sure to check out the CVapp.ie website and blog for more career tools and resources. Good luck, we believe in your greatness! 

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