Innovative and highly skilled freelance cybersecurity professional with a proven track record in providing high-quality service to clients across a range of industries. Dedicated to achieving outstanding outcomes while upholding the confidentiality and integrity of highly-sensitive data. Committed to delivering excellent results and maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive client information.
02/2020 - present, Cybersecurity Specialist, Grainne Mahoney Solutions, Dundalk
- Performed vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate risks for clients
- Collaborated with local governance teams to enhance public safety and awareness of online dangers
- Worked with local authorities to create public safety strategies that ensure quick detection of cybersecurity threats
- Created tailored solutions to ensure each client's specific needs were met with utmost care, sensitivity and confidentiality
01/2017 - 02/2020, Cybersecurity Analyst, DublinONE Cybersecurity & IT, Dublin
- Created strong organisation security policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with industry regulations
- Conducted risk assessments and provided recommendation reports to clients in a timely manner
- Collaborated with IT teams and stakeholders, including client managers, to create effective client strategies that meet client goals
11/2014 - 11/2016, Cybersecurity Consultant, Mahoney & Moore, Dublin
- Performed risk assessments for clients, ensuring each report and assessment was completed in a timely manner
- Monitored risks and threats as identified by threat intelligence teams
- Collaborated with IT teams to craft robust IT security architecture
09/2010 - 06/2014, Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Information Technology, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk
- English
- Irish
- Cloud Security
- Coding (C#
- Python)
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Risk Management
- Security Compliance
- Project Management
Crafting a successful freelancer CV
As a freelancer, you're always on the look out for exciting opportunities or potential projects and clients. There are various industries you can explore, but to begin your job-search, you'll need a compelling CV! We've designed our freelancer CV guide to help you best showcase your skills and emphasise your strengths, so that no matter what industry you belong to, you can connect confidently with employers. Whether you're an aspiring freelancer or an experienced freelance professional, we're here to support you in finding the ideal job opportunities.
In this guide, we will delve deeper into each of these sections. Ideally, every CV should incorporate the following structure:
- The CV Header
- The professional profile
- The employment history section
- The CV skills section
- The education section
We’ve got a wide range of professional templates and layouts for you to try in the CV Builder, but before you get started, let’s read about the ever-important professional profile:
Professional Profile: A professional summary
The professional profile section is a great opportunity for you to address potential employers and outline your expertise. In 3-5 sentences, you'll want to provide a summary of who you are as a professional and what your niche is. For example, if you're a travel blogger, you can outline in your professional profile that you're passionate about creating compelling marketing campaigns for brands in the travel industry. Ultimately, the professional profile should provide a glimpse into your comprehensive skill-set. You can mention your specific job title, the number of years you've worked as a freelancer, and highlight any outstanding achievements. Remember: don't go overboard! You can elaborate upon the details later in the employment history section, education section, or skills section of your CV.
Here’s an example of a great freelancer professional profile:
Innovative and highly skilled freelance cybersecurity professional with a proven track record in providing high-quality service to clients across a range of industries. Dedicated to achieving outstanding outcomes while upholding the confidentiality and integrity of highly-sensitive data. Committed to delivering excellent results and maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive client information.
Employment History: Outlining your professional track record
The employment history section is typically considered the most important section of your CV. Begin by listing relevant positions from most recent to least recent, and work backwards until the section has been adequately filled. It is best to only include relevant job positions -- especially if you're contemplating including a job position from many years ago! Be sure to include the name of the employer or client, any dates worked, and the location where the project took place, if relevant.
Check out this example below:
Cybersecurity Specialist at Grainne Mahoney Solutions
02/2020 — Present
- Performed vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate risks for clients
- Collaborated with local governance teams to enhance public safety and awareness of online dangers
- Worked with local authorities to create public safety strategies that ensure quick detection of cybersecurity threats
- Created tailored solutions to ensure each client's specific needs were met with utmost care, sensitivity and confidentiality
Cybersecurity Analyst at DublinONE Cybersecurity & IT
01/2017 — 02/2020
- Created strong organisation security policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with industry regulations
- Conducted risk assessments and provided recommendation reports to clients in a timely manner
- Collaborated with IT teams and stakeholders, including client managers, to create effective client strategies that meet client goals
Cybersecurity Consultant at Mahoney & Moore
11/2014 — 11/2016
- Performed risk assessments for clients, ensuring each report and assessment was completed in a timely manner
- Monitored risks and threats as identified by threat intelligence teams
- Collaborated with IT teams to craft robust IT security architecture
CV Skills: Share your professional impact
The skills section of your CV is a great way to showcase the value you can offer to your clients. You'll want to focus on highlighting your proficiencies in skills that are relevant to your industry: For example, if you're a blogger or social media influencer, you can highlight your proficiency with Photoshop or Hootsuite. If you possess fluency in foreign languages, include these too! Being bilingual or multilingual is an invaluable asset, especially for projects that demand seamless communication with international clients or collaboration on a global scale. Additionally, don't forget to tailor your skills section based on the unique requirements of the job or client you aim to target.
When you’re done, your skills section should look a little something like this:
- Cloud Security Coding (C#, Python)
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Risk Management
- Security Compliance
- Project Management
Education: Highlight your academic credentials
The relevance or importance of your education section will depend according to industry, position and employer, but this education is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and credibility within a given field. For example, if you're a highly skilled freelance programmer, demonstrating your expertise with a degree in computer science can greatly enhance your credibility. On the other hand, as a photographer, your outstanding portfolio speaks volumes, surpassing the importance of your educational background.
Nevertheless, it's important to showcase any qualifications you have by listing your degrees and certifications, prioritising the most recent ones. Include the names of institutions where you obtained your education, along with their locations and the duration of your attendance. If you are currently pursuing a degree, be sure to highlight your expected graduation date.
Finally, here’s a great example of an education section below:
Dundalk Institute of Technology Dundalk Bachelor of Science
Sep 2010 — Jun 2014
- (Hons) in Information Technology